Flask + Nginx + Gunicorn(on a Vagrant box)
I had some difficulty in grasping how exactly to set up a server when I tried to do so recently, so I decided to write a tutorial that will guide you through the process. Hopefully, this post will help you avoid at least some of the confusion that I encountered.
We’ll be using Nginx + Gunicorn to host a simple Flask app. Many of you may not have access to a server but don’t worry, we’ll use Vagrant, which makes use of a VirtualBox VM to emulate a server.
###The Flask App
Because this is a post about deployment more than development, we’ll make the web app super-simple. If you’re not familiar with Flask, please check it out, its awesome and really easy to learn. You’ll also probably want to develop the app inside virtualenv- it makes things a lot neater. Make a folder in your local machine(we’re not working with the virtual-machine yet) for your app, I’ll call it codebase
. Create two folders called static
and templates
, and a Python file called app.py
. codebase
should now look like this:
. ├── app.py ├── static └── templates
Now, open app.py
with a text editor and add the following:
from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): return "Hello world!" if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()
At this point, if you run app.py
with python app.py
, you should be able to open http://localhost:5000/ and see a “Hello World!” printed. Now, freeze your requirements with
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Great, now we’ll start working on the actual server.
As I said before, Vagrant allows you to work with server-like environments on your local machine. It’s absolutely great. To get Vagrant up and running:
# first make sure Virtualbox is installed, then,
gem install vagrant
vagrant box add base http://files.vagrantup.com/precise32.box
vagrant init
vagrant up
If nothing went wrong, you should now see a file called Vagrantfile
inside codebase
- that’s Vagrant’s configuration file. Open the file, we’ll need to make a few changes to the file.
First, uncomment the line:
config.vm.network :hostonly, "" If nothing went wrong, you should now see a file called `Vagrantfile` inside `codebase`- that's Vagrant's configuration file. Open the file, we'll need to make a few changes to the file.
and change “” to “”. This will enable the host-machine(that is your computer) to access the webserver running on the VM.
That way we should be able to access a web app running in the VM’s localhost
, on our machine.
Because, we did a vagrant up
the Vagrant box should already be running. Now, run
vagrant reload
so that the changes we made to the Vagrantfile take place.
After the VM restarts, run
vagrant ssh
This allows you to run commands into the VM. Once inside the VM, we’ll need to get some things installed. Run
apt-get install nginx pip install virtualenv
Now let’s create a folder inside the VM where we’ll keep the application
cd /home/vagrant mkdir www cd www virtualenv --no-site-packages . mkdir codebase
And let’s grab the application from our local machine
cp /vagrant/* /home/vagrant/www/codebase/
Note that while I used cp
, its always a better idea to use git
or some other version-control system. For more on that, I recommend that you read this post.
Then, activate the virtualenv we created.
cd /home/vagrant/www source bin/activate
Install gunicorn with pip
pip install gunicorn
Also install the other Python dependencies your app has with
pip install -r requirements.txt
That will grab and install your app’s required dependencies like Flask.
Now, if you run
gunicorn /home/vagrant/www/codebase/app.py:app -b
you’ll have your app running but if you try opening it from your browser you’ll find that you can’t actually see the “Hello World” message that we were expecting. That’s where nginx comes in.
First of all, you need to start nginx with
/etc/init.d/nginx start
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default touch /etc/nginx/sites-available/codebase ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/codebase /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/codebase
To /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/codebase
server { location / { proxy_pass; } }
And restart nginx with
/etc/init.d/nginx restart
Now, from inside codebase
gunicorn app:app -b localhost:8000
If everything went right, if you visit you should now see the “Hello World!” message. Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up your own server.
Update- I’ve written a follow-up to this post which covers Puppet, a really handy tool that’s comes packaged with Vagrant- you can find the post here.