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Implementing a Key-value Store, Part 1
• 8 min read

In this series of posts, I want to walk you through how to build a simple, persistent key-value store. We will be using an on-disk hashtable(also called external hashtable) to store the key-value mappings. In this post, I will explain hashtables briefly and an algorithm called linear hashing. In the next post, we'll look at an implemen...
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• 1 min read

Computers can be understood Explains a mindset to understand systems by looking under the layers of abstraction. [Systems that defy detailed understanding]( Follow-up to the above, listing some types of systems where it's either impossible or just not worth it...
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Book reviews- "Shoe Dog" and "Superforecasting
• 2 min read

Grr. I really need to write blog posts other than book reviews. But until then, here are some notes on two books I read recently:
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Book review- "Spin" series by Robert Charles Wilson
• 1 min read

Spin is a sci-fi trilogy comprising of the books Spin, Axis and Vortex.
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Book (mini)review- "Amusing Ourselves to Death
• 2 min read

Just finished reading "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman. I think I put the book in my to-read list after Alan Kay recommended in a talk of his(I don't remember which one).
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Miscellaneous updates(2016-11-23)
• 2 min read

Some random updates:
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Some recent reads
• 2 min read

I haven't posted here in quite a while, and I'd like to re-boot the site with something easy. So I wrote up "mini book reviews" of some books that I read recently and liked quite a lot.
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First impressions on nand2tetris
• 3 min read

I recently started reading a very interesting book called The Elements of Computing Systems by Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken. The book is nicknamed "nand2tetris", so called because the reader starts off with a NAND gate and using it as a building block for more complex systems builds a modern computer(on which he or she implements the...
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Arithmetic with Instaparse
• 4 min read

Last week I started playing around with the Instaparse library, which makes writing parsers really easy in Clojure. What Instaparse does is take the formal definition of a language and give you a parser for that language. You can then use that parser on a string, possibly containing something in that language. You need to write the gra...
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Parts-of-speech tagging with Clojure
• 8 min read

One of the classical problems in Natural Language Processing is parts-of-speech tagging i.e. given a sentence of length n, find the sequence of part-of-speech tags for each word in the sentence. For example,
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