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Making a streaming API from scraped data using Clojure
• 7 min read

p I recently found myself having to play around with some stock exchange data. The stock exchange in Nepal, unsurprisingly, doesn't provide a data API so I had to scrape their website. The non-realtime data isn't very interesting, just regular old scraping made a little more tedious by the fact that whoever designed the website didn't ...
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Websockets with Clojure and http-kit
• 8 min read

div id="table-of-contents" h2Table of Contents/h2 div id="text-table-of-contents" ul lia href="#sec-1"1. A (fake) realtime happiness gauge/a/li lia href="#sec-2"2. Project setup/a/li lia href="#sec-3"3. Websocket server/a/li lia href="#sec-4"4. Front end/a/li /ul /div /div
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Building a database-backed Clojurescript app
• 9 min read

In my previous post, I gave a pretty quick introduction to Clojurescript. If you haven't already, I recommend you read through that post. This post assumes that you have some Clojure knowledge and already have Leiningen running.
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Getting started with Clojurescript
• 8 min read

There doesn't seem to be much written about running Clojurescript, especially considering how great a tool it really is. I know there is a book that's coming out soon, but I had some trouble getting started with Clojurescript so I decided to put together this post, that hopefully at least some of you will find useful. This post does as...
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Fighting an N-headed monster with recursion
• 2 min read

A while back, I came upon this problem:
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A first look at provisioning with Puppet(on a Vagrant box)
• 3 min read

In my previous post, I talked about deploying a Flask app on a Vagrant box using Gunicorn and Nginx. The response I got was mind-blowing, so I've decided to write about another neat tool that's awesome for deploying web apps- Puppet. Vagrant actually encourages its users to use it, and you should use it. There's also an alternative to ...
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Flask + Nginx + Gunicorn(on a Vagrant box)
• 4 min read

I had some difficulty in grasping how exactly to set up a server when I tried to do so recently, so I decided to write a tutorial that will guide you through the process. Hopefully, this post will help you avoid at least some of the confusion that I encountered.
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Videodropper- Behind the scenes
• 3 min read

My previous post about my new web app- Videodropper, which lets you send Youtube videos to your Dropbox account got quite huge on Hacker News yesterday(At least, much more than I'd anticipated). So, I decided to write another post about Videodropper on how it works.
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• 2 min read

img src="/images/videodropper.png" style="width:500px; height:300px; float:left; padding:10px;"/
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Instamator is now open source
• 1 min read

Instamator, which I released just a few days ago is now open source. You can find the source code on Github. Instamator is powered by Flask and makes use of Redis.
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