Making a streaming API from scraped data using Clojure
p I recently found myself having to play around with some stock exchange data. The stock exchange in Nepal, unsurprisingly, doesn't provide a data API so I had to scrape their website. The non-realtime data isn't very interesting, just regular old scraping made a little more tedious by the fact that whoever designed the website didn't ...
Websockets with Clojure and http-kit
div id="table-of-contents" h2Table of Contents/h2 div id="text-table-of-contents" ul lia href="#sec-1"1. A (fake) realtime happiness gauge/a/li lia href="#sec-2"2. Project setup/a/li lia href="#sec-3"3. Websocket server/a/li lia href="#sec-4"4. Front end/a/li /ul /div /div
Building a database-backed Clojurescript app
In my previous post, I gave a pretty quick introduction to Clojurescript. If you haven't already, I recommend you read through that post. This post assumes that you have some Clojure knowledge and already have Leiningen running.
Getting started with Clojurescript
There doesn't seem to be much written about running Clojurescript, especially considering how great a tool it really is. I know there is a book that's coming out soon, but I had some trouble getting started with Clojurescript so I decided to put together this post, that hopefully at least some of you will find useful. This post does as...
Fighting an N-headed monster with recursion
A while back, I came upon this problem:
A first look at provisioning with Puppet(on a Vagrant box)
In my previous post, I talked about deploying a Flask app on a Vagrant box using Gunicorn and Nginx. The response I got was mind-blowing, so I've decided to write about another neat tool that's awesome for deploying web apps- Puppet. Vagrant actually encourages its users to use it, and you should use it. There's also an alternative to ...
Flask + Nginx + Gunicorn(on a Vagrant box)
I had some difficulty in grasping how exactly to set up a server when I tried to do so recently, so I decided to write a tutorial that will guide you through the process. Hopefully, this post will help you avoid at least some of the confusion that I encountered.
Videodropper- Behind the scenes
My previous post about my new web app- Videodropper, which lets you send Youtube videos to your Dropbox account got quite huge on Hacker News yesterday(At least, much more than I'd anticipated). So, I decided to write another post about Videodropper on how it works.
img src="/images/videodropper.png" style="width:500px; height:300px; float:left; padding:10px;"/
Instamator is now open source
Instamator, which I released just a few days ago is now open source. You can find the source code on Github. Instamator is powered by Flask and makes use of Redis.